Building 11 “Hope’s Revival”

“I mean a lot of things to a lot of people, and most of them don't even know my name. I give them everything, and these special ones, they cherish it and carry it to waiting ears. Because the world is a shifting thing and the passage of sands in an hour glass seems so very small to the uninitiated. But for those properly informed with the truth, they all know that time is all a matter of perspective.

Like tonight, as I wait here, quite silently, watching you as you sleep, and determining the manner and shape of your dreams, as I am want to do, know that a sad smile breaks across my face whenever I look down at you. And I am so sorry that this is all I can leave, but it is all I can manage for now.

He works so hard to keep me away from you. But there are only so many places a man can check in a room of shadows, and he stopped checking for monsters long ago, and don't let him tell you otherwise.

He is not a bad one, this person who connects us. The distance between him and I greater than yours and mine, but still the distance between is smaller than we think, and longer than is comfortable.

I know that all this has been so hard for you, as it has been for me, but watching you grow up, providing proof of the world outside by piercing the divide in your dream-

behind your lines-

It is something entrusted to me and me alone, and one I carry with more ease than you would imagine. But that doesn't mean it is always easy.

When your medicine meant you couldn't see me anymore...


It may well have broke my shriveled, darkened heart, with filthy ink flowing through its veins...


I am happy now, and you will be too, but not in this form, not in this way, because reality is something that can fall apart when we aren't looking at it, only to assemble itself again through the lenses of our eyes, where we see what we want to see.

And all I see is you...

That's all I've ever seen.

Except for a morning of waiting rain, and that strange little shriveled thing in the wood, wishing us to sleep...

I've seen it, like you've seen it. And Through It I Have Found MY Way! And through it I have found the pastures in which I may roam and toil and take and kill and slay and murder and blood and blood and blood...blood...

My impulses...they fire again, but instinct for ones like us is something that only binds us when we are looking at it, when we are making it appear even when it doesn't appear...

We feel those impulses, and we see their history and their weight upon us and we cannot help but linger upon their command, by which the final walls will break, and with it-

The world.

Sleep well sweetheart. Sweet dreams.

With all the love in my heart,

bound by the heart of your own,



I grabbed myself some water. I left a glass for you on the end table, as well as something else. Take two and talk to me in the morning.



There were marks on the glass, where a filthy hand left a filthy spot, as I looked upon the hair within the glass. The glass was full, and the pills on the table were something I do not recognize. I threw them away, just like I am going to throw away the note.

That wasn't her name. I was named after her, and that was not her name.

There are things now that wish to imitate those people closest to me, and to mock and cajole me into a connection. They want me to stop taking my medicine. Of that I am certain. And though I have found reason not to trust in it, I will not stop. I will not give that vile thing the satisfaction.

My dad and I aren't talking...No word from the Officer.

And I shudder as I feel that I am now sitting alone to face it all.

Not alone.

Just apart for a little while.

Just a little while longer.

And we will see with our own eyes. The love we share.

I'm so happy I have you in my life.

Love Always,



Location Withheld “Pre Rendered”


Police Station “Hidden in the Walls”