Building 8 “Fire in the Walls”

Leaving town tonight. Bags packed. We know where, but that doesn't really matter. Just need to get away from this house. From this street.

From the smell that won't go away.

Thought about cleaning it up, but it's in the fibers of the rug now. It seeped into the floor. We considered burying what was left of Lloyd. Decided against it. What would be the point? Barely anything left to bury anyhow.

And what is left was hardly what he really was.

Came home when she called me. Margaret. She was screaming. Had tried calling the police. Tried leaving the house. Only number that worked was mine. I tried to get her out when I arrived, but he wouldn't let me. Wouldn't let us leave.

Wanted us to know. Wanted us to know why.

I tried for five minutes to get her outside, but the moment I stepped inside, the door closed.

I wandered the house looking for escape. I looked out the sliding glass door. Out towards the neighbor’s house. But I couldn't see their house. There was something in the way. Something bigger than their house.

I looked down.

What was Lloyd...was never Lloyd. He shed his skin.

Grabbed my gun. Emptied it through the window.

He laughed without laughing. Hollow, empty laugh that cackled at the end like glass.

Something inside my head stirred.

Then Margaret and I started bleeding from the eyes.

It's hard to breathe even now. friend when Margaret was away. The hunter. The Lyld. All those bodies he brought home... Those oily things...

I miss my friend.

The pain subsided. I heard it. Heard it like she said she had been hearing it. In my head. That horrible voice in my head.

“Mother doesn't know how to stop,”

I looked where he motioned...under the barren tree. She was trying to hide, but she couldn't. Her blackened flesh moved on its own...shifted on its own. She couldn't keep it still.

She saw me looking.

Rushed to the back door...issued the surf. Was tapping on the glass.

Never stopped moving. Her legs...writhing things never stopped moving. Like they were dancing. She looked so...scared. Stomach was distended. Then the weight shifted down...

Tried to scream. She and I. It's like all the sound was gone. He didn't want anyone to hear.

The dark, oily thing erupted out from her and struck the screen door...The glass started melting. She looked like she was in pain.

She is a monster...she looked like she was in pain.

She went to cradle the thing. Hold the newborn...

The Lyld...Lloyd...snatched up the newborn...pulsing and shifting...crushed it in his hand. The remnants fell down on the lawn. Snow melted and the ground smoldered.

The mother screamed...screamed with rage. Tried to run, but he pinned her to the ground.

Sky was green. The siren began to go off. Sky darkened further.

Smelled the insulation burning in the walls. My head screamed with pain. Felt like it would explode. He was laughing. He was delighted. He was killing us...

Then he stopped.

He looked at me with concern.

Then he was smiling. Teeth like tusks...smiling. Suppressing a giggle.

My mind wandered numbly.

Why my house? Why me?

“Oh Michael,” he said. “Did you really think this was all about you?”

He almost sounded tired, but he wasn't. He was angry.

“...You are small...You buried I was your pet...”

Started screaming. Just me. He left Margaret alone. I was screaming and screaming. Body was breaking. I wanted to die. I just wanted the pain to stop. I begged Margaret. Begged her to try to stop him. I cried hot, awful felt like hot iron...

Screaming...please...please stop...please...

I blinked.

He was gone. They were just gone. The was night. It was afternoon when I had gotten home. The pain went away, but it took so long.

Margaret. She is okay...I think she is okay.

She won't talk to me.

I understand.

We are going to a hotel out of town. Has a pool.

Stay there till we figure it all out.

Skin is bruising all over. Went to the hospital. Broken ribs. Heavy bruising. Nothing that would kill me...just to hurt me. He hurt me for not knowing what was living in my house all this time.

Did he...enjoy my company? I know...shouldn't think like that. But...Lloyd...I miss Lloyd. He was with me when everyone was gone. Would greet me when I got home. Watched movies with my wife and I...purred when I scratched under his chin...

Why did he stay? To feed and grow? To kill the pulsing, oily spawn?

The mother of monsters...Echidna...

Put Margaret at risk. Being around me puts Margaret at risk.


I got him so I would have company.

When it gets cold.


Hotel 1 “Market in the Fog”


Building 8 “The Dead Can’t Leave”