The Bus Stop Update “Trouble Sleeping”

Every Monday and Wednesday I try to make sure that I share one of the tales I have encountered during my investigations of Wellington Street. However, I have taken ill, making the process increasingly more difficult to complete. It started weeks ago after my strange and upsetting encounter at the local bus stop. I had expressed that the experience had left me feeling quite unwell, and unfortunately things have not improved. I have had a chronic headache ever since that night, which no over the counter medicine seems to be able to help. I struggle to sleep, and even when I do I awake feeling tired.

The feeling of anxiety and the sense that I am being watched has steadily gotten worse. I find myself frequently looking around me, desperately looking for validation of my fears. I considered several times to simply go to a psychiatrist, but though I am a student I am very much aware of the effect such an action would have on my reputation. Anyway, I know that the source of much of my grief comes from my experience that night. It is not easy to reconcile the fact that the woman I was speaking to so pleasantly had attempted to kill her husband and children only a short while before.

I have gone to a doctor, who has prescribed some sleep aids and some more powerful pain killers. They aren't sure what is wrong yet, though they have already performed numerous tests. They took a blood test, as well as a MRI and a series of x-rays. The only tests that have yet to be performed are a PSG, MSLT, and MWT, which is scheduled for next week. These are all common sleep tests, and should help to narrow down a diagnosis. Hopefully during the next couple of weeks I will get some answers. In the meantime, I have simply had to endure my pain, and it has begun to take a toll.

The madness I encountered that night has left me deeply injured, and the lack of sleep has surely only contributed to the symptoms I am developing. I am sure if I was at least able to get some sleep that I would be able to recover a little. But it has been weeks now, and very little has improved.

There was one experience I had lately that left me feeling much better, at least temporarily. It has been a little over a month since my last visit to Wellington Street, the thought of going back filling me with dread. Despite my fear, I have in truth wanted to go, if for no other reason than to complete some further interviews and research. Lately I have had to mostly conduct my investigations through phone interviews and email, using local sources and careful searches of the internet to help me continue my research. But it was not the same, and over the weeks the desire to go back gradually won out.

A couple of days ago I took the train back to Wellington Street. I admit I was not in the best of states on my arrival. My head was throbbing and my stomach was terribly upset. Added onto this was the fact that I hadn't manage to sleep for more than a few hours the last couple of days, causing me to almost miss my stop. Upon arriving though, something very peculiar happened. After being back to Wellington Street for only a few minutes I found my headache subsiding, and my fatigue mysteriously disappearing.

The rest of the day went by rather uneventfully. The interviews I conducted went along smoothly, and I even managed to have enough time to visit one of the local dives. All in all, the experience left me feeling better about the place. It helped remind me that despite the strange reports I have encountered, Wellington Street remains just a stretch of road with an unfortunately rather dark and disturbing history.

As for the improvement in my health, I can only assume that my fear of the place has partially contributed to my condition. I have obviously invested a great amount of time and energy into my research, and have perhaps become too caught up in the mythology of the place. Though the stories I share are peculiar and strange, for every tale I post there are two or three that prove to be rather ordinary. To be sure this is well above what should be expected, but this certainly wouldn't suggest that there is something wrong with the street itself.

Since my last visit, the headaches have returned. The medicine that they have given me has seemed to have helped a little, though I look forward to finding out what is truly going on. In truth I hate to take medicine, even if it is supposed to help. It leaves me feeling foggy, and though the alternative is no more appealing, I do not wish to remain on it any longer than I have to. I will continue to investigate further, as well as keep all of you updated on my condition. As it stands, the strange improvements I had while walking around Wellington Street has made me resolve to continue my research there in person once again.

A further point of interest; I was walking past the Val-entinus Church of God, and noted that there was a strange discoloration of the stone along the base of the foundation. I will look into it further, but if I didn't know any better I would say that it seems to have been built on a previous structure.


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